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Nomadic Period

For a considerable period after the fall of the Equestrian homeland, the population became nomadic. The people wandered aimlessly, some without food, some without hope. By late April 2018, there remained only one citizen. President Philip Harker was still the only surviving member of Equestria, the only one who remembered her great history and shining ideals. 


The Nomadic Period ended on 25 April 2018 when Harker first arrived at what is now the National Capital. He worked the fields himself, after establishing an Embassy to Canada, set up a new government in what is now called the Equestrian Renaissance.

From the Ground Up

President Harker began the rebirth of Equestria by founding two primary government departments: the Home Office and the Foreign Office. He then set about to recruit new citizens to live in the nation.


The new country was only about 200m² and, with no arable land, could not host any residents. New citizens joining the country were fully aware that they could not live in Equestria, but the patriotism and national spirit never died. Equestria also reached out to other nations, establishing formal relations with Molossia and Canada.


Equestria's citizenship boom lead to a new period of economic prosperity in the renaissance. The government was working well and the democracy was still in effect. Still, not everyone was satisfied with the system.

Unrest brews

On 1 May 2018, Philip Harker was once again unanimously elected President. This would be the last time he ran unopposed. Though Harker was the only qualified candidate in accordance with the constitution, many were upset by his victory, believing it to be a result of corruption and a constitution biased towards the founders. Harker assured the people that the next election would be very different, but many were not sold.


Talk of rebellion and revolution swept the nation, but these early rebels were thankfully unable to find the common ground necessary to stage a bloody revolution. Some wanted to reform the constitution, others wanted a communist Equestria. More still were only fighting for the dissolution of the state.

June 2018 Election

In the waning days of May 2018, President Harker found himself swamped by a variety of new extremist political parties, such as the Anarcho-Communist Supreme Figidabber party. Harker had previously opposed political parties but he knew that it would be difficult to win another election without an organization behind him. He founded the Democratic Party with the help of his associate Adrian James "AJ" Li-How Cheong.


The Election of June 2018 was long anticipated. There were four contenders: Harker's Democratic Party, Sashco Mistelbacher's Anarcho-Communists, James Law's Fascists, and Bhiraveen Nadesanathan's National Socialists.


The election had a record turnout of 10 voters, and ended in a 3-3 tie between Harker and Mistelbacher. Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution states that the standing president has the deciding vote, leaving Harker's Democratic Party as the winner. Harker appointed Li-How Cheong as Vice President.

Hiking in Sunset
The Nomadic Period, also called the Exodus, was a long and demanding journey
  • Instagram Social Icon
Social media presence was just one of President Harker's new programs during the renaissance.
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Extremist ideologies like Nazism, Anarcho-Communism, and Fascism were at the forefront of the unrest

Harker Steps Down

The people were largely angry. Harker had won the election with a 30% minority. In the days following 1 June 2018, much of Harker's staff resigned citing that they could no longer support the Democratic Party under such public flak. Harker had initially hoped that he could maintain control of the public, but he gave up when Vice President Li-How Cheong resigned on 5 June.


That same day, Philip Harker resigned from the Office of the President. The Democratic Party still maintained control of the 5th Equestrian National Congress, and therefore AJ Li-How Cheong was named Acting President. Congress had intended to call another election, but there would be no more elections until 1 July.

A defaced coat of arms, circa June 2018
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