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Interwar Period

The week between the First and Second Equestro-King Wars was a time of economic prosperity for Equestria. With the war over, President Harker could focus on new socioeconomic growth.

A Destructive Raid

Exactly one week after the signing of the Treaty of Equestria, King forces along with hired mercenaries infiltrated Equestrian soil. The President was not there at the time, as he was travelling on official business. When he returned, he found the island to be in ruins, completely scorched. Destroyed buildings, burnt trees, even the farmland was no longer arable. What's more, much of the population was either slaughtered or enslaved. The Kings under the Mountain prevailed, though they had fought dishonourably.


Few war records survive, and almost all archived information is second-hand. 

The Collapse of a Government

By 13 March 2018, Equestria was in a state of anarchy. Riots, looting, and general disorder was commonplace, as the people felt like their government could no longer protect them. With no more usable resources left on the island, Equestria abandoned the island where she was born and became a nomadic society for a considerable time. 

artists impression.jpg
An artist's impression of a farmer inspecting the barren landscape after the war
Anarchist Flag. Though the Harker Administration remained in power, Equestrian society became largely anarchic.
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