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War with the Kings under the Mountain!

Late in the evening of 1 March 2018, the Kings under the Mountain Royal Army launched an invasion of Equestria, seizing control of the customs office. Immediately, the Equestrian Defence Force (EDF) rallied to Fort Mustang to assess the situation. The King forces fought fiercely, and laid siege to Fort Mustang. Outgunned, the garrison lead by newly-elected President Philip Harker called on General Aaron Comeau to honour the Treaty of the Coltalition.

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Situation at 00:00 2 March 2018. Note that that Tenpines National Forest was actively contested.

The Kings Withdraw

General Comeau's forces arrived at Equestria in the early hours of 2 March. His party rendezvoused with the garrison at Fort Mustang and together they pushed the King forces North to a small reef. Comeau's forces departed immediately after, much to the dismay of President Harker. Meanwhile, the King forces entrenched on the reef in a small bunker, as observed by a scout party. A task force sailed North to the island only to discover the bunker abandoned. The EDF demolished the bunker, taking the entire reef with it.


The Battle of Equestria was celebrated as a victory, but little did President Harker know that the King forces had established a second bunker underneath Equestria itself.


Congress formally declared war immediately after the battle.

The Battle of Equestria was a brutal fight for both sides.

Total War

The Battle of Equestria was not a full demonstration of the military power of either the Kings under the Mountain or Equestria. Immediately after the declaration of war, the Equestrian Expeditionary Force (EEF) was activated. Their first objective was to scout enemy territory for defences. In Fort Mustang, Secretary of Defence Kyle established Equestrian High Command. Civilians were encouraged not to waste resources and many volunteers joined the armed forces in search of adventure.


A new scouting initiative from the Naval Office revealed a large fortress under construction due North of Equestria on the mainland. This unnamed fortress was never completed, but towered over Fort Mustang. 


The Land Office launched a similar scouting program but this ended after a disastrous raid on the King homeland resulted in the death of the entire special forces team.

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Recruitment was a major issue for the Naval Office.
Recruitment was a major issue for the Naval Office.

Ambush at Pony Pond

Secretary Kyle found himself overwhelmed and understaffed at Equestrian High Command. There were too few resources, soldiers, and too little national morale for a full scale invasion of King territory. Additionally, the Coltalition was neglecting the treaty, leaving Equestria alone against her enemy.


The war was mostly fought in small skirmishes in the waters surrounding Equestria, and the only major victory after the first shots of the war was the raid and destruction of the King underground bunker. The war was ground to a halt until a deadly attack on Equestrian soil on 3 March 2018.


That day, President Philip Harker was returning home from a convention with Cameron Shih regarding a plan for a joint attack on the Kings under the Mountain. Upon returning home, he narrowly avoided death when an exposive device was set off at the customs office. Sgt. Geoffrey, a sentry posted at the office, was killed in the blast. After his death, he was awarded with the Presidential Medal of Honour.

Army Medals
The Presidential Medal of Honour was the highest military order in Equestria at the time.

The End of the War

By 5 March, the armies of both sides had been worn out. Supplies and morale were low and the war was at a stalemate. Both sides mutually agreed to sue for peace.


The Treaty of Equestria guaranteed peace for at least one week between the two nations, and also restored the potential for trade and economic growth. Equestria had suffered greatly, but had been defended. A memorial was erected for all those killed in the fighting, a solemn reminder of what was hoped to be the final war between Equestria and the Kings under the Mountain.

World Peace
The Treaty of Equestria united the world in peace, even if only for a short while.
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