Democracy in Equestria
Democracy (from the Greek democritus, literally "people rule") is the form of government that runs Equestria. In this nation, there are two public offices: The President and Congressional Representative (CR).
The President
The President of the Republic of Equestria is the nation's head of state and head of government, as well as commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Their job is to represent the public domestically and to the rest of the world. As such, the entire nation gets to vote to determine the president.
His Excellency President Grant Macmillan, Cool Party
The Cabinet
The President always has a small group of close advisers who are experts in their fields. These advisers are often the ones proposing new laws and helping the President make tough decisions. Though the President can hire cabinet members of any expertise needed, some common ones include Vice President, Home Secretary, Foreign Secretary, and Secretary of Defence.
Sashco Mistelbacher, Vice President
Though the name "parliament" or "national assembly" would have made more sense, Equestria's legislative body is called the Equestrian National Congress in the constitution because the word congress "sounds cooler" according to President Harker.
Just as the president represents the entire nation, the role of Congressional Representatives (CR's) is to represent their smaller communities, or constituencies, in national lawmaking.
Congress has all legislative power in Equestria and can make new laws, issue criminal pardons, declare war, create new departments, call a national referendum, and impeach politicians.
Pres. Grant Macmillan, Cool
Philip Harker, Democratic
Adrian Li-How Cheong, Democratic
James Law, Fascist
Bhiraveen Nadesanathan, National Socialist
Sashco Mistelbacher, Anarcho-Communist Supreme Figidabber